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The Ultimate Guide to A New Fitness Journey

Writer: Ginger RaeGinger Rae

Updated: Nov 17, 2024

Happy Fit Girl

Making daily choices that will extend our lives and improve our quality of life can be exhausting. Let me introduce you to discipline! It's a myth that some people are more disciplined than others. Being disciplined is a set of skills we learn through consistent practice. You CAN create a fitness journey that becomes a way of life by using structure and discipline!

Take these steps to begin a new fitness journey, one day at a time.

Step 1: Know Your Strengths and Weaknesses

We all have things we're good at and then there is stuff we might need some improvement in. Being self-aware is a great way to push yourself out of your comfort zone, but it takes dedication and the willingness to face your flaws. Don't pretend your vulnerabilities don't exist, face them head on. If your weakness is fast food on the way home from work - place sustainable healthy snacks in your car to reduce your hunger, and the urge to turn into the drive through! Use the time you just saved to go home and prepare a healthy meal.

Step 2: Eliminate Temptations

The old adage goes something like, "out of sight, out of mind." This sentence provides profound guidance, despite its seeming silliness. One surefire way to become more self-disciplined is to get rid of the things that entice you the most. With fewer distracting factors, you'll be able to put more energy into building a fitness routine that lasts a lifetime. Let go of the harmful influences that will hinder your success. In other words, throw out the junk food!

Step 3: Set Clear Goals and Have A Plan

Like any other goal, if you want to be more self-disciplined, you need to have a clear picture of what you want to achieve. You also need to know what a healthy lifestyle means to you.   It is easy to get off track if you don't know where you're going before you get there. Create a workout schedule and set this time aside as a priority in your day.

A great way to stay on track with your goals is with a fitness journal, write down what you eat and how much you exercise. This helps you be honest with yourself about whether you're following your diet or exercise plan. It also lets you see what works and what doesn't for you.

Daily mantra's are fun, powerful, they work and a must on a new fitness journey! Here are a few of my favorite:

"You Go Girl"

"She believed she could, so she did"

"Keep moving"

"I am stronger than I think"

"I trust the process, I trust my journey"

"I can and I will"

"I am enough"

Step 4: Maintain A Consistent Routine

Self-discipline is something we learn, not something we are born with. And just like any other skill you want to get good at, you have to do it every day. It has to become second nature. Achieving self-discipline can be hard because it takes a lot of work and focus. Use your schedule, your mantras, and your journal and do something every day that is related to your goal. This is how you continue to develop your self-discipline and reach your goals.

Baby Steps

Step 5: Take Baby Steps

Self-discipline and creating new habits can feel overwhelming at first.  Keep in simple.  Break your goal(s) in to baby steps. If you've never exercised before, start with ten or fifteen minutes of exercise each day.  If your goals are to eat better and exercise, start with eating better and as your new thinking and behaviors  begin to change, add exercising.  

Step 6: Shift Your Thinking About Willpower

Thinking you have a limited amount of willpower will likely prevent you from ever developing more. Believing in a limitless supply of willpower allows us to persevere, accomplish more, and deepen our resolve. Put simply, our level of focus is influenced by our preconceived notions of how much self-control and willpower we have. If you can overcome these doubts and believe in your abilities, you will be even more driven to succeed.

Fitness With A Friend

Step 7: Share Your Journey With An Accountabilty Partner

Find an accountability partner that wants to start a new fitness journey! Together you can offer each other the inspiration and discipline you need to get back on course if you find yourself being distracted or sidetracked. It's more fun! You and your accountability partner are more likely to stick to your commitments. There is a greater chance you will each reach your goals, work harder when someone else is around, and succeed!

Step 8: Never Give Up

Sometimes, despite our greatest efforts and carefully thought out plans, we fail. It  happens. There will be highs and lows, huge successes and heartbreaking setbacks on your new fitness journey. The secret is to never give up. Guilt, frustration, or anger won't help you get back on track, instead, they will only make you feel worse.  Try not to let them consume you.

Learn from your mistakes. Say your daily mantras and start again! You Go Girl!

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