Hello, my name is Ginger Rae, founder of YGG Fitness and Defense.
My story is unfortunately, no different than millions of other women's stories, yet isolated to one incident. I am a survivor of intimate partner violence. My physical recovery was a mere shadow, to my mental and emotional turmoil of trying to understand...why?
My efforts to find my own answers led to the discovery that women are still viewed as minorities - as "less than" men, and as such, remain targets for violence. This knowledge frustrated and infuriated me.
I was disappointed in myself for the blinders I had been wearing, and for living "the socially accepted" female role, when my heart repeatedly told me: "this is not how I define being me."
Thus began the personal changes, the desire to bring awareness to intimate partner violence, and to find a way to empower other women.
My martial arts training(or self-defense training in multiple styles), and other fitness activities, have always been my go to source for mental healing, personal strength and growth. During one of my training sessions, I had "the light bulb moment" that led to the creation of YGG Fitness-Self-Defense.
For more than 27 years I had trained in martial arts classes with 80% men, and held my own. In fact, I far exceeded all that was "presumed" a female could achieve. "If I can do this, so can all women!"
Here is the anomaly to knowing how to defend yourself: once you posses these skills you will rarely, if ever, need to use them. The confidence, awareness, and self-esteem gained on your journey, expands into your conscious and sub-conscious life. You recognize and avoid unhealthy relationships, you change your life-styles, and take precautions to prevent violence.
The personal journey, and the end results are different for every woman.
But what a beautiful and empowering ride it is in discovering your authentic self!

With love & hope,
Ginger Rae
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