Fear defined is an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat. (Oxford Languages)
Let’s remind ourselves that your emotions are affected by the way in which you see a circumstance, not the circumstance itself.
Fear is only as deep as the mind allows - Japanese Proverb
Consider fear your own internal warning flag.
When experiencing fear you must ask yourself: “Is the danger real or am I creating the danger by my perception of the situation?”
The only way to truthfully answer this question and avoid panic lies within your ability to accurately assess a potentially violent situation as idealized (your perception) or authentic (the danger is genuine).

Imagined danger:
You’re a dedicated runner on a designated trail in your favorite park. During your run your mind goes to stories of women being raped in parks. Every tree you progress towards and every corner you round, you imagine a potential rapist waiting to jump out at you. Each time, no one is in sight. There is no real current danger and, therefore, no reason to feel fear. Your thoughts dominated your attention and placed you in a state of anxiety.
Eliminating perceived threat is easier with the help of situational awareness training.
Real danger:
You’re a dedicated runner on a designated trail in your favorite park. As you round the corner, a man jumps out in front of you and blocks your path, there is no one else in site. This danger is real.
Real danger creates a link between fear and courage. Whenever you speak to someone who has acted with bravery, they will tell you their fear was the driving force behind what they did.
Courage is impossible without fear.
"Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not an absence of fear" - Mark Twain
Once fear has done it’s job and warned you of real danger, it becomes nothing more than an emotion that can be replaced with the facts of the situation.
Overcoming fear in a potentially violent situation involves staying as calm as possible, focusing on your surroundings, and making quick, rational decisions. Training in self-defense techniques can boost confidence and provide you with the mental and physical tools you need to avoid or escape an act of violence.
"Nothing in life is to be feared it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less." -Marie Curie
Read next: "Adrenaline, your power surge"
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